Keith Cook. Place Name Changes over Time.

A History Presentation was held on the 11th of March, 2021, in the RSL Hall, 136 Princes Way, Drouin, Vic. 3818  Starting at 7:30pm. Keith Cook’s great grandfather, a bullocky, travelled to Buln Buln in 1884 to take up a selection.  Keith told an exciting story of his travels and explains the different place names used in those days to the ones we know today.

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Frank Cook Bullock Team, Crossover.


Saturday, 19 January – History Stall at Rotary Market, Civic Park Drouin | 08:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Sunday, 10th to Saturday, 16th February, Ficifolia Festival.

TBA February, Pater Ware Library talk, Birds and native flora.  Drouin Library.

TBA February, Keith Cook Library talk, History of Railways in Drouin.  Drouin Library.

TBA Drouin Cemetery Walk

TBA Drouin West Cemetery Walk

Tuesday, 12th February, Stories of Drouin Launch of CD’s Presentation.  At the Anglican Church Parish Hall.

Saturday, 16 February, History Stall at Rotary Market, Civic Park Drouin | 08:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Tuesday 19th February Committee meeting, 2pm at the Drouin Library Community room.

Saturday, 16 March 2019, History Stall at Rotary Market, Civic Park Drouin | 08:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Saturday, 20 April 2019, History Stall at Rotary Market, Civic Park Drouin | 08:00 AM – 12:30 PM

On Thursday the 5th of August 2019, Guest Speaker, Judy Farmer
told the story of Mr. E.J. Hamilton who was a solicitor in Drouin for many years.

The 13th Australian Light Horse moving up past Gressaire Wood to participate in the attack on morning of 22nd August 1918, near Bray. 101 years ago! E.J. Hamilton was one of the men in this regiment.

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and nature

On the 4th of March 2017, Yvonne Tindle gave an evening history presentation about the 78th birthday of the Drouin CWA.  


6th of July, 2017.

Speaker: Colin Chudleigh

For many years Colin has had a strong interest in the work of blacksmithing.  Blacksmiths produce objects such as gates, grilles, railings,  sculpture, tools, agricultural implements, decorative and religious items, cooking utensils and weapons.  While interest in blacksmithing has always appeared in craft endeavours and heritage theme parks, a resurgence in blacksmithing has led to an abundance of opportunity for the beginners to learn the ‘art’ as a quick visit to the internet will show.

Colin is skilled in the knowledge of steel, forges, the tools and techniques used and has accepted our invitation to tell us more.   He will supply images of himself at work at his own forge, and also images of the Drouin Edwards Engineering blacksmith workspace and its forge during its final days of operation.    He has generously donated a number of images to the Drouin History Group photograph Collection which will support his presentation.

We thank Colin for accepting our invitation and look forward to hearing about his passion for this ancient craft which is believed to hark back to the Iron and Bronze Age.
