Local History Books Available

Buln Buln

A History of the Shire of Buln Buln 1878 – 1978

By Graeme Butler

Buln Buln is also available to purchase at the Drouin Library.

Buln Buln to Baw Baw

History of the Shire of Buln Buln 1978 – 1994

By Keith Pretty, Secretary, Shire of Buln Buln 1956-1990

Drouin 1871 to 1941

By William Young, Secretary, Shire of Buln Buln 1892-1940

Drouin… Because They Worked at It
by John Wells

The Drouin History Group Inc.
Contact us for information on any of the above books.

All books available at
Debnam’s Hardware
85a Princes’ Way (behind the French Pear Cafe), Drouin
Thank you: Clarrie & Kaye Debnam for their support

Our books are also available at the History Stall at any Drouin Rotary Market, held on the third Saturday of each month, at Civic Park Drouin.  8:00am to 12:30pm.